Shopify Template: Retrieving order status
By using this template, you can seamlessly connect to your Shopify account to retrieve order status information and use it in your chatbot when customers ask for it. The template is prefilled with essential information, however, you will need to fill out some specific details to connect to your Shopify account.
1. Access the template
In your chatbot in Pulse, navigate to Actions. Select the Shopify template.
This template includes prefilled information necessary for retrieving order information from your Returnless database.

2. Fill in the required fields
Base URL: Add this url and replace STORENAME with the name of your shop:'
Authentication: The Header name is already filled in. Add in the Header value your Admin API access token.
Get the Admin API Access Token from Shopify
Log in into your Shopify account and go to Settings
Click Apps and sales channels
Click Develop apps

Allow custom development by clicking the button.
Click Create an app

Give the app a name and click Create app

Under API Credentials, configure the Admin API Scopes by clicking the button Configure Admin API scopes and allowing different Actions.

After configuring the scope, click Install app. The Admin API access token will show.
Note: The Admin API access token only shows once!
- Health Check URL and Instruction:
- Health Check URL: Define a health check URL to monitor the status of the external server. This URL checks if the server is online.
The Health Check URL is similar to the BaseURL and can be constructed by appending the health check endpoint to your base URL. Example of a Health Check URL:
- Health Check Instruction: Add an instruction for the chatbot to follow if the server is not online. For example, you can instruct the chatbot to respond with: "Sorry, something went wrong on our end. Can I assist you with anything else?"
- Health Check URL: Define a health check URL to monitor the status of the external server. This URL checks if the server is online.
3. Optional: Update the Schema
The template already has a filled-in schema, so you can use it right away. If you want, you can change the schema to fit other purposes.
4. Validating your Action
After filling in the required details and schema:
- Validate: Click Validate to check for any errors in your schema. Correct any issues that are identified.
- Available Actions: Once validated, the available actions will be displayed.
Updated about 2 months ago