Notion template: Retrieving information
By using this template, you can easily connect with your Notion database to retrieve information. This template is prefilled with all necessary information, enabling you to automate conversations seamlessly. However, you will need to fill out some details yourself to connect to your specific database. Follow the steps below to set up your Notion Action template.
Be aware that this template does not retrieve written data from Notion. Only URL's and headers are retrieved.
The Notion API doesn't allow retrieving written data from Notion.
1. Access the template
In your chatbot in Pulse, navigate to Actions. Select the Notion template. This template includes prefilled information necessary for retrieving order status from your Notion database.
2. Add information
Fill in the required name and description fields.
BaseURL: The BaseURL is already filled in for you.
Authentication: Add your API-Key under Token. Follow the steps below to get to the API-Key:
Go to Settings in Notion.
Click on Connections
Click on Develop or Manage Integrations
Click on the + New Integration button.
Provide a name for your integration and optionally select an associated workspace.
Choose the following permissions:
Once the integration is created, you will be given an API key (also known as a "secret token"). This is your Notion API key.
Health check URL and instruction:
- Health Check URL: Define a health check URL to monitor the status of the external server. This URL checks if the server is online.
The Health Check URL is similar to the BaseURL and can be consturcted by appending the health check endpoint to your base URL. Example of a Health Check URL:
- Health Check Instruction: Add an instruction for the chatbot to follow if the server is not online. For example, you can instruct the chatbot to respond with: "Sorry, something went wrong on our end. Can I assist you with anything else?"
- Health Check URL: Define a health check URL to monitor the status of the external server. This URL checks if the server is online.
3. Set up connections for different pages
Each Notion page needs to be connected to the API to collect its data. Subpages will automatically be included in the connection. Follow the steps below to connect the different pages:
Go to the page you want to connect
Click on the 3 dot menu upperright corner
Scroll down to Connections
Search for Watermelon and click Connect
Click Confirm to confirm the connection
Repeat these steps for all pages you want to connect.
4. Optional: Update the schema:
The template comes with a prefilled schema, giving you an example. You may need a developer to adjust it according to your specific requirements. Ensure the schema is in .YML format and compliant with at least OpenAPI version 3.0.0.
5. Validating your action
After filling in the required details and schema
- Validate: Click Validate to check for any errors in your schema. Correct any issues that are identified.
- Available Actions: Once validated, the available actions will be displayed.
Updated 3 months ago