Testing Actions
It is wise to test the Action you built, this article will explain how to test your Action.
Whenever you created an Action, you might want to test this before putting the Action live.
You can test your Action in the Interactive Tester without publishing the Action. When you test your Action in the Interactive Tester, the Tester can give you error codes. These help you to understand what went wrong with the Action. These codes will not show in a Chat Widget, so the end user will not see this.
Tips for testing your Action:
- Use real data:Whenever you test an Action, use data which can be found in your system, such as a real order number. This can be test-data, as long as the data can be found in your system.
- Start testing, then add instructions: The Action might need information on multiple parameters before it can retrieve the information. For example, your Action needs an order number and an email address to fetch an order status. If this is the case, you can add an instruction to your chatbot which tells him to request both when someone wants to know the status of an order.
Keep in mind that the computer will always tell the truth. Doubting the results is not helpful.
If you come across any issues or error codes while testing, check this article!
Whenever your Interactive Tester is not working, check your concepts in Actions!
If there is an unfinished Action in concepts, the Interactive Tester might not work.
Updated 3 months ago