OVIS template: Retrieving data from database
This article will guide you through using the OVIS Action template.
By using this template, you can easily connect the OVIS database to your chatbot. This template is prefilled with all necessary information, allowing you to seamlessly retrieve data. No authorization is needed for using this template.
1. Access the Template
In your chatbot in Pulse, navigate to Actions. Select the OVIS template.
This template includes prefilled information necessary for retrieving data from your database or knowledge base.
2. Fill in the Required Fields
- Base URL: The BaseURL is already filled in for you. No changes needed.
- Authentication: No authentication ('No auth') is needed for the OVIS Action.
- Health Check URL and Instruction: No health check is needed for the OVIS Action.
3. Update the Schema
The template already has a filled-in schema, so you can use it right away. If you want, you can change the schema to fit other purposes.
4. Validating Your Action
After filling in the required details and schema:
- Validate: Click Validate to check for any errors in your schema. Correct any issues that are identified.
- Available Actions: Once validated, the available actions will be displayed.
Updated 3 months ago
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